What is Storm Attenuation ( SuDS )

What is storm attenuation (SuDS)? A guide for self builders. When discussing requirements with clients, it soon becomes obvious that only a small minority fundamentally understand what SuDS are and why it is important. Many describe it as an ‘unnecessary hurdle’ during planning, simply adding to the cost of their build with no tangible [...]

What is Storm Attenuation ( SuDS )2017-02-02T12:45:21+00:00

Surface water in clay

How to deal with surface water on clay or high water table site. When building on a clay site a number of issues can increase costs. Messy and expensive excavation, deeper foundations and biggest problem of all; rainwater will not soak away. A simple infiltration test will soon give you the damming news; the [...]

Surface water in clay2017-02-02T12:22:53+00:00
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